Note to Self - The New Novel by Thuyen Nguyen

February 02, 2011

I am proud to announce that my debut novel Note to Self is now available! Note to Self is a story about an average guy and the girls who made him.

"Tim Newman's spent most of his life trying to understand the opposite sex to no avail. From childhood crushes to random one-nighters, surely there's a way to learn from his mistakes so that the next one doesn't get away? Indeed, every guy out there can learn a thing or two from Tim's encounters - no matter how awkward or embarrassing."

Sound like fun? Sure! It's available in both ebook and dead tree form from the following places:

Soft cover
  • Smashwords (for Kindle, Sony Reader, Palm Doc and other ebook readers)
  • iBooks (for iPhone/iPad) - just search for "note to self" in the app

Previews are available at most of the sites above - the first taste is always free! Special thanks to David Nguyen for designing the cover.

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