Japan: Another Wedding

August 12, 2007

The wife's friends' wedding was today, and I was the cameraman (again). It was far too hot (over 30 degrees easily), so the last thing I wanted to do was running around in a suit. The ceremony was held in Kitano, overseen by an American priest whose Japanese accent amused the kids in attendence.

The reception was held in a restaurant near Daimaru. The wife was co-MC for the night. I had a bit of battery trouble, and unfortunately I missed one thing from the night (not really important, but still). The room had mood lighting, which of course is terrible for a video camera, so I think the footage might be quite dark.

A smaller party was held after the reception for friends of the couple. Nothing special about that one, except for the game of group jankenpo with a prize of 20,000-ish yen. The bride eventually won that one, but that was probably intentional.
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