Writing Update

August 08, 2005

I've recently finished writing two sit-com pilots, as I've found a lot of free time at work. The first, entitled Work and Play, was actually finished before Bookstore 3. Imagine Just Shoot Me but set in a games company.

The second pilot, which I completed last Friday, is Bookstore The Series. Yes, I believe there's still life in the adventures of Tom, Richard and Emily! I've added three new characters and given them a much bigger bookstore.

Both have been written in a no-commercial format, suitable for a cable channel or BBC/ABC (the Australian Broadcasting Corp, not the American). Work and Play is a bit more character-driven, while Bookstore The Series is event-driven. Both have the same joke-per-minute ratio, however Bookstore The Series is more abstract (or wacky?).

I'm proud of both of them. Some of my most-competent writing yet.
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